The Indian Journal of Defence and Maritime Laws (IJDML) is the official publication of Centre for Aerospace and Defence Laws (CADL), NALSAR University of Law, and is dedicated to research, practice, advocacy, education and policy in security and maritime sectors.

The Journal publishes Doctrinal, Legal, Policy, empirical, theoretical, methodological and practice-oriented articles and book reviews covering topics relevant to Defence, Security (Homeland and International), Military, Armed forces, cybersecurity, armed conflicts, diplomacy, conflict resolution, and related legal and policy aspects; Maritime safety and security, admiralty law, marine environment aspects, legal and policy issues relating to ships and shipping, passage issues, Law of sea, and other related aspects.

Preference is given to the current and ongoing discussions in legal and policy sectors in all security, Defence and maritime areas in relation to Individuals, Organisations and nations.

The Journal publishes research paper, short articles, book reviews and case law studies.

Indian Journal of Defence and Maritime Laws is a peer reviewed journal that is published two times per year. Indian Journal of Defence and Maritime Laws invites articles that critically examine the legal, policy and current issues of Security, Defence, Maritime related aspects.

Indian Journal of Defence and Maritime Laws employes a double-blind peer review process. Upon submission, manuscripts will be screened to determine goodness of it to the journal’s aims and scope and to ensure that the manuscript is complete and ready to be reviewed. If manuscripts are given a revise and resubmit status, then there is an editorial screening and a second review by a peer reviewer(s). If a manuscript is given a qualified acceptance (accept with minor changes), then there is editorial screening to ensure that the changes were made before acceptance.

As we practise ‘double blind’ reviewing, the main text of any submission should therefore exclude the name(s) of the author(s), affiliations, and any directly personal references, as well as acknowledgements to those who have read the paper.

Any submission must be the original work of the author that has not been published previously, as a whole or in part, either in print or electronically, or is soon to be so published.


Co-authorship up to two authors is permitted.


All the Manuscripts should be in English Only.


Your paper should be complied in the following order:

Title page (Name of paper, Author name, designation of author, Phone number and Email ID, word count);

Abstract (In about 150-250 words);

Keywords (5-6 keywords);

Main text (Introduction, discussion, conclusion).

Word limit:

The research paper should be around 5000-8000 words, excluding footnotes. If your paper is longer than this, please contact the Centre for Aerospace and Defence Laws (CADL). We do on very rare occasions consider articles of more than 8,000 words for the journal, but such an article would have to be of exceptional quality and importance to justify its inclusion in the journal: the longer the piece, the higher the bar to acceptance.

For short articles, the length should be around 3000-5000 words, plus footnotes.

For Book reviews and Case Law studies, we are flexible in relation to the length/word limit. But we suggest less than 6000 words, plus notes as rough guide.

Please provide a word count for both text and notes on the first page of the article.


For Main Text:

Use Times New Roman font, 12 point, Alignment Justified and double space the text.

For Footnotes:

Use Times New Roman font, 10 point, Alignment Justified and single space the text.


Only Footnotes is encouraged. You should not use Endnotes.

To cite the authorities, You need to follow Bluebook 19th Edition.

Copyright, Plagiarism and Originality:

It is a condition of publication in the Journal that authors assign their copyright to CADL, NALSAR. This ensures that requests from third parties to reproduce articles are handled efficiently and consistently and will also allow the article to be as widely disseminated as possible. Authors may use their own material in other publications provided that the Journal is acknowledged as the original place of publication, and CADL is notified in writing.

After submission, the Manuscript will undergo Plagiarism test via “Turnitin” Software and any manuscript with originality content less than 80% will be rejected.

Submission of Manuscript:

All the manuscripts should be sent to with subject ‘Submission for IJDML – Security/Maritime Law’.

Author should attach cover letter (containing the details of author/s); Declaration of Originality; and Manuscript.

You should attach the manuscript in PDF form and also Word (.doc/.docx) form.

CADL Journal policy prohibits an author from submitting the same manuscript for concurrent consideration by two or more publications.

Authors may post the final accepted, preformatted version of their article—the accepted manuscript—on their personal websites, university and preprint repositories and author networking sites. If your article is accepted for publication, the posted manuscript must include a note linking to the final published article. Such posting should be informed to the CADL, NALSAR in writing.

Important dates:

For the first edition of IJDML, the manuscripts sent on/before January 20th, 2021 will be considered. However, we accept manuscripts throughout the year.

The Journal will be published every March and September.

Should you have any queries, you can reach us at with subject as ‘Query for submission’.

Visit for further details.

Notification-call for papers